Sunday, July 17, 2011

Weekends are bad for the waist

I'm afraid the weekend wasn't very good to my fitness goals. I can't even remember what I ate yesterday. I'm sure a lot of it wasn't healthy. I didn't work out as well. I went to get my blood tested for diabetes. I'm convinced that the tiredness, weight gain, and extremely frequent peeing has to be because of it. Although, something tells me it's because of bad diet, bad diet, increase in water intake. I really do like to blame my problems on other things. I haven't picked up the report yet, but once I do, I'm going to make an appointment with this really famous nutritionist called Lisa John. I've heard conflicting reports. Some say she's really helped. Some say she didn't make a difference. I don't think she can make it go worse, so I'm willing to give it a try.

Today, I thought I'd give the RPM class a try. RPM is like a spinning class. I thought it was just another name for spinning, but I've been told there is a slight distinction. It looks like it's ridiculously tough. But hey, remember my false sense of improved stamina. Well, I thought my poor stamina could handle it. Turns out, I couldn't. At all. I stopped after half an hour. It was a very pathetic attempt. But, an attempt nonetheless. I'm not going to venture into another RPM class for another month. Not until I've tried other cardio classes and completed an hour. I didn't go for the BodyPump class that I wanted to go for. Which means that I haven't done any weight training for almost ten days. Next week is definitely going to some weight action

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