Today, I went to the gym with the aim of doing some weights and an hour of cardio. However, when I reached, I was right on time for a yoga class. And seeing that my state of mind was particularly low, I thought yoga would help that situation much better than weights.
It did. To a certain extent. Made me feel calmer and more relaxed. Today's yoga was a lot of lower body stretches. I find that I'm comfortable with most of them. Although, the instructor does tell you to push yourself a bit more if you find yourself comfortable. I ignored her.
At the end of the class though, she suggested we do the head stands. Now, we've all seen the head stands in multiple movies, brochures, magazines. It looks easy, I know. Let me tell you, it's not. The instructor showed us how to do it step-by-step. She made it seem easy as well. So, I was determined to give it a shot. At other yoga classes I've been to, whenever the instructor says head stand, I lie down or do the shoulder stand. I don't even attempt to do the head stand. Today, I thought, why not?
I was able to put my head on the ground and lift my back. That's it. I don't think I could even lift one leg. Well, here's another goal to reach for, no? Do a head stand in three months. I mean, I still have to master the shoulder stand. Okay, shoulder stand in one month. Head stand in three months. I just have to make sure I attend two yoga classes a week.
I went and did some cardio after yoga. I thought I'd jog for ten minutes. Remember I'd mentioned my improved stamina. Turns out it's not so improved after all. I walked for about 5 mins. Started jogging at 7.2 km/hr and within three minutes, I was wheezing like I hadn't used my inhaler. Come to think of it, I don't think I used my inhaler in the morning. Anyway, I kept at it for six minutes and then started walking again. Well, in a way, I'm glad the wheezing happened because now I know that even with the worst stamina, I can jog for six minutes.
I went to the cross trainer after that. I normally start with an effort level of 4. But, with the wheezing and all, I kept the effort level at 3. Made sure my SPM's remained above a 110 though. Fifteen minutes of that, and I moved to the cycle. I put the effort level at 2 and made sure my RPM's did not go below 80. Now, I normally use the cycle to cool down. I cruise by with very low RPMs. So, this increased effort level and RPMs were slightly tough.
Had a glass of sugarcane juice on my way out of the gym. I'm planning to make that a regular thing. Sugarcane juice has multiple health benefits.
Oh yeah, one day into my promise, and I caved. I had ten Hershey's kisses today. To make it worse, I threw in a couple of M&M's too. The good news is that the kisses are over, and I'm not a big fan of M&M's. Bright side. Yay!
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